Sunday, December 7, 2014

6 month challenge!

Can you see them? They are really tiny, but Hannah got her hearing aids Friday!

Here's a better picture (knocked out after our long day). Pretty pink for my girl.

It's SO much fun to hear my daddy's voice!

We've had quite a few adjustments over the last few days. Hannah has taken them like a champ, but she's tired. Hey, we're all tired!  But with the hearing aids (and mama constantly adjusting them) and anti-viral meds she's had a lot of change. 

She started the meds Friday afternoon and is getting the dose 2 times a day for 6 months. So far it's hard to tell if she has any side effects. She does seem to be a little more fussy, like her stomach hurts or something, but it's hard to tell. We are praying she will adjust and can calm down a little. 

A sweet friend of mine told me she and her kids will be praying for Hannah everyday for the next 6 months of her treatment. That really spoke to me and gave me the idea to extend that challenge to all of you. 

Will you pray for Hannah everyday?(today through June 7, 2015). Her 9 month birthday :). 

We believe The Lord can heal her brain and ears and prayer is what we need. 

Here are things you can pray (+ anything else you think of). 

1. Pray the anti-viral meds will completely erraticate the virus from her body. 
2. Pray her brain will heal and she will not have any long term side effects. 
3. Pray her hearing does not get any worse. 

and for us...
4. Please pray we will have hope and don't go to dark places of worry and fear about the unknown. 

Thanks to all of you who constantly tell me you are praying and have asked how you can help. We have felt carried by prayer. 

Tomorrow we see an ophthalmologist and hope to get in with a neurologist soon. It's a lot for this little life. 

Eli answered, "Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him." 1 Samuel 1:17