Thursday, September 24, 2015

"Whoever has ears, let them hear!"

This verse has new meaning to me since Hannah was diagnosed with hearing loss. 

I have questioned why the Lord even gave her ears if she couldn't use them. Through her hearing journey I have learned much more about how people actually hear and that it has a lot to do with brain, not the actual ears, but she has ears. 

Also, do you know how many kids books and songs have to do with ears?  Anyway, that's for another post. 

I have wondered if Hannah would talk and if she did talk would it be understandable? I've started teaching her a few signs but I really want her to be an oral learner. 

Back in May she did start babbling which was huge. She was actually right on target with typical hearing kids and I got really excited. Her teacher was excited too but told me that many deaf children actually do babble but then it tapers off at about 10-12 months. So, I was waiting for that to happen. 

All I have to say is Hannah is not tapering off. She actually is getting louder and wants to get her point across. She'll sit there with her finger in the air jabbering about something really important. And yesterday she actually said "uh-oh". 

A word? 
So exciting. 

I am so thankful her hearing aids are enough for her right now. 

This isn't to say we are not pursuing cochlear implants, we are. We actually are meeting with a surgeon in town next week and meeting with a team of doctors in Cincinnati next month. In my (non-professional) opinion I don't think they'll want to move forward with CI's at this point but at least we'll have a foot in the door with doctors if and when they are needed. 

In the meantime I'm soaking in all the "uh-ohs" and anything else she wants to jabber at me. 

"Whoever has ears, let them hear."
Matthew 11:15

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Our sweet, sweet girl turned one!

You laughed. 

You smiled. 

You played. 

You smashed. 

You continue to amaze me with your eye contact and curiosity. 

Your subtle ways of getting your opinion across. 

The way you light up the room just by entering. 

Your smile. 

Something that will always put me in a better mood or change my perspective on any situation. 

Today it was fun to celebrate you. 

To thank God for you. 

To look back and be encouraged by all we've seen you do this year.

Rolling over, using your left hand, babbling, eating solids, sitting up, shaking your head, connecting with our hearts. 

This first year of your life has been rough at times, not always fun and stained with grief. You have caused me to pray more, seek more, hope more and cherish life more. You have helped me notice others and realize that I really don't know what another person is going through. A kind word or a door held might be the nicest gesture they've received that day. 

You've given me strength to speak up, question doctors and learn from therapists all for the sake of helping you improve. I've learned to rejoice over small improvements and see these things as proof that the Lord hears and is helping you. 

You've caused me to walk slower. To not hurry through my day, but take the time to sit and rock you to sleep if that's what you need. 

Sweet girl, I know I have a long way to go to be the mama who is a pro at all that life throws at you, but I will willingly stand up for you and learn new things for your sake. I know God is making you into the daughter He wants you to be and I must hold you with an open hand as I participate on your journey. 

Dear one, I wish things were different and life wasn't so hard, but this is what we must endure until Christ takes us to Heaven. There He will make all things new, including your body, but we must wait. Thank you for being an example of patience. 

I look forward to what the Lord has planned for year 2!

With all my heart,

Here's a video in celebration of Hannah's 1st year!
Thank you to all of you who pray for Hannah and our family.  
We know those prayers have held us this year and will continue to encourage us in the next.  

Friday, September 4, 2015


With both of my children, their first colds have been doozies. When Eli was 10 months old he got a bad cold that was accompanied by congestion that went into his chest and resulted in RSV. We had to give him breathing treatments and sit him up at night. I remember thinking "it can't get much worse than this". 

He did recover and thankfully has not had RSV again. 

Well, last Friday Hannah also came down with a fever and, like Eli, had a pretty pitiful weekend. 

She had congestion, fever, sore throat, the works. No one was getting much sleep around here. 

As of today, a full week after her symptoms started, she is doing a lot better and just has a nagging cough. 

I guess everyone has to endure their first cold or sickness, but this mama hopes it goes away and doesn't come back for a long time. 

Sweet Hannah falling asleep on the floor, evidence that she's sick because she rarely falls asleep anywhere without being persuaded. 

Well, with the fever gone and her (& all of our) spirits lifted, bring on the celebrating. Hannah turns 1 on Monday...whaaat? I know, I'm just as floored as you are. 

"Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning."
Psalm 30:5