We would travel to another city, stay with friends, eat at fun restaurants, and hang out with friends we didn't usually see.
I remember always looking forward to that weekend. It was nice to get away and take time to think about ministry with input from others.
One thing they always had us do was think about where our life would be in 10 years. What did we want to be doing? What did we want to be true of our life?
In 2007 I was single, it would be 2+ years before I would meet Keith and 5 years before I become a Mom. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined what my life would be like in 2017, or if I would even make it to 2017. Haha.
Right now our family is going through some stuff, some hard stuff, but as I reflect on the last 10 years and how the Lord has LAVISHLY given me good things I know we will make it through.

As I think about what has happened over the last 10 years (marriage, 3 kids, 4 cities, a special needs diagnosis, just to name a few). It is wonderful to think the Lord had all this planned. He may not have given me the insight or forethought to imagine what He could do, but he has given me grace to live it.
So as I write this, I am glad the Lord left me in the dark about most of my future over the last 10 years. Who knows what I would have tried to change if I had known?? This gives me hope that He's got good things in store that I can't even think think of now.
So as I write this, I am glad the Lord left me in the dark about most of my future over the last 10 years. Who knows what I would have tried to change if I had known?? This gives me hope that He's got good things in store that I can't even think think of now.
"For the sake of Christ,
then, I am content with weaknesses,
insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities.
For when I am weak, then I am strong."
2 Corinthians 12:10