A couple days before her birthday we had her evaluated at a center for developmental disabilities.
Not the best thing to do right before a birthday.
Overall Hannah did most of what she was asked, but it was hard. It was hard seeing her get frustrated because she didn’t want to be there and couldn’t verbally explain that. It was hard seeing some therapists at a loss for how to help her. It was hard leaving and not feeling like we had any next steps.
Looking back I can explain all of her actions away. Such as the room was very boring, there were no toys, four adults were trying to engage her, only one of which she knew. Yes, this may be hard for any 4 year old, but it was my kid being analyzed and studied that day.
As Hannah gets older her delays are more clearly seen. Especially in the company of peers. We pray that one day things will click with communication and somehow that may solve a large amount of her frustration, but it may not.
I don’t have to figure all these things out today, but I do have to remember where my hope lies. In a God who created and knew Hannah’s life before she was known to us. That her days, like all of ours, are numbered and planned out before one of them came to be.
Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Psalm 139:16
Knowing this truth helps me as time continues to pass quickly.
Even though we see her progression as baby steps she is doing well and growing/maturing in her own time.
On her birthday I brought cupcakes to school which she loved. Her class and teachers have been such an encouragement to our family. Hannah feels at home there and is thriving. So it was fun to celebrate with her friends.
The next day she started therapeutic riding and was immediately in love.
She has loved horses for a while now, but this was the first time she every rode a large horse. So fun!
We hope to start doing this once a week. Beyond her just loving horses it has many therapeutic benefits.
It helps to strengthen Hannah’s core muscles, which are still rather weak, it helps with her walking and her gait, as her gait aligns with the gait of the horse as she rides. We are thankful for this resource, be it pricey, and that she loves going. This is huge!
I am thankful that the Lord shows me joy in the little things and that He knows the next steps. Please continue to be in prayer for our family.