Friday, October 16, 2020

Joy & Faith

I love this age with my girls. Suzi calls Hannah her best friend and Hannah grabs dress up clothes for Suzi to put on so they can play. ❤️

Both our girls have a fruit of the spirit as their middle name. Hannah Joy and Suzi Faith. After Suzi was born Keith said God knew we needed joy when Hannah was an infant and faith as we added a 3rd child to our family. As they grow I see these fruits multiply in their lives and wait with expectation at what God will do. 

The unknowns with Hannah’s seizures and which medicine will work best is still present but I am seeing more communication in her. As you all probably know she has speech apraxia + hearing loss = hard to communicate. But these past few weeks Hannah has been expressing more thoughts and words to me. Just today she looked outside after the rain stopped and said “rain stopped, the sun!” When I took the girls to the park this week she repeatedly said “thank you” for bringing me. She and I also try and take Jack the dog for a walk on Monday and Wednesday and she definitely tries to engage in conversation about birds and leaves and everything else a little girl talks about on a walk. 

I’m thankful for the goodness of God in the midst of hard times. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Seasons Change

As much as I love fall and the cooler weather is brings it makes me sad when the days get shorter and summer is gone. I have been reflecting on the summer lately...The summer of COVID, the summer of virtual life, isolation, birthday parties, and of course when epilepsy entered our life. In a way it has seemed to mark time. I think back on the days when we didn’t give her 3+ medications a day with fondness, with ease, with innocence. 

Don’t get me wrong, Hannah is still Hannah. She still has her opinions and let’s you know what she thinks. She still likes to snuggle and hugs everyone and for all these things I am thankful. 

So far we have tried two medications. We are hopeful the second one will control the seizures but neurological medications make this mama nervous. One side effect of the med is dizziness which a girl with balance issues does not need but I am praying it will level out. We return in 3 weeks for a repeat EEG to see if anything with the mis-firings in her brain have changed. Actually, this is a take home EEG (which I hope has a battery pack), but I’m hopeful it will be more comfortable for everyone. 

I know life is so mixed up for everyone reading this. Our story is just one of millions who have been blindsided by life. Life is hard, life is not fair, and if I didn’t know the Lord I don’t know where I would be. I am continually in awe that the Lord loves me like he does and has a plan and an end that is good. Praise God this is not all there is, praise God eternity is real! Having Hannah has made me long for Heaven more. I pray if you are reading this that you will seek an eternity with him. 

“For God so loved the World (you & me) that he gave his only Son. That whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life”. John 3:16. 

This song has been on repeat in my head and brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it. I hope it blesses you too. 

“I push you away, still you won’t let go. You grow your roses on my barren soul” 
Who am I to be loved by you Lord?

Who Am I? By Needtobreathe