Our sweet boy did amazing. He's a great car traveler, but also did very well in the appointments. We were teased on the way in, however. We passed a nice, empty, covered (it was raining) playground and went back to it between appointments only to find out it was only used for special kids that have class there. Bummer! But, chic fila was not far away.
We saw a developmental pediatrician (Dr. W) and a neurologist (Dr. S).
In short, the appointments went very well. Both doctors were impressed with how well Hannah is doing and even though she is behind she should walk and talk and live a good life. Dr. S even said we should only come back to see him if we think it will benefit, so it's good to know they see lots of promise in our little girl.
As I've mentioned before her left side is slower because of the right brain trauma.
If you are around her you will notice she keeps that hand fisted and does not use it to grab like she does her right. Because of this Dr. W did diagnosis her with mild cerebral palsy. We fully expect she will grow out of it, but there it is just the same. Having this diagnosis will help with insurance and getting additional therapy if needed.
We also learned a lot more about hearing aids vs. cochlear implants. We learned that Hannah's team of doctors (Dr. W, her audiologist, the surgeon and possibly her therapist) all have to agree if/when she is a candidate. It seems that hearing aids are better for hearing low, bass tones while CI are better at hearing high, softer sounds. Some doctors think having one of each is the best case scenario, but new technology is coming about all the time, so we will weigh the pros and cons if we get to that point.
We plan to return to Cincinnati when Hannah is 12 months for a checkup and to decide her next steps.
We are so thankful for the team of doctors we are working with. She is in excellent hands.
We are also so thankful for all of you. Your prayers, words of encouragement, emails, texts mean the world to us.
Please continue to pray for Hannah's left side--that she will learn how to use it properly and bear weight on her arms.
She has another sedated hearing test next Thursday 4/23. This again will see if her hearing has gotten any worse and will allow us to adjust her hearing aids if needed. I'm not excited about this test, but know she needs it just the same.
The king's heart
is like a stream of water
directed by the LORD;
he guides it
wherever he pleases.
Proverbs 21:1
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