June is CMV awareness month.
My newsfeed is flooded daily with different facts about the virus, different states that are fighting legislation to add CMV testing to the newborn screen. Friends and family forward me articles about CMV, books, etc. it's all good and I'm learning a ton.
But sometimes I think back to June 2014. When I was pregnant and ignorant.
When I was decorating my soon-to-come 1st daughter's room and day dreaming about what her life would be like.
This was definitely not in my dreams.
Fast forward 1 year and we are filled to the brim with doctor and therapy appointments. We have learned more over the last 6 months about CMV, early intervention and all the acronyms that go with it to fill a book.
This is not what I expected my life to be like.
But this is my life.
And honestly Hannah brings so much joy to it. She is the sparkle to my day and her smile melts me every time.
She's worth all the energy put forth, even if I wish things were different.
The following list are facts and data about CMV. Be aware you may find some things on the list shocking. I wanted to post this on the last day of June so that everyone can learn more. Also, if you know a friend who is pregnant or wants to be please forward this to her. You never know who you may help.
Creating Awareness about CMV--some things you should know.
2. Each year 30,000 babies (1 in 150) are born with congenital CMV.
3. CMV is found in bodily fluids including blood, urine, saliva and tears.
4. There is currently no vaccine. In 1999, the government ranked a CMV vaccine as top priority for research and industry.
5. Pregnant women are more likely to get CMV if they have young children at home.
5. Pregnant women are more likely to get CMV if they have young children at home.
6. CMV disabilities can be present at birth or appear later in life.
7. Every hour CMV permanently disables a child.
8. Only 13% of women in the US have heard of CMV.
9. Each year CMV will be the cause of death for 400 babies and children in the US.
10. Congenital CMV affects more babies than all current newborn screening conditions combined.
11. Most OBs do not discuss CMV or CMV prevention with their patients, although recommended by the CDC and ACOG.
12. CMV is the most common virus transmitted from a pregnant woman to her baby.
13. Women who interact with babies and young children should be educated on CMV.
14. Research has shown a link between CMV and miscarriage.
15. Newborn CMV screening has significant potential for improving children's outcomes.
16. CMV is the leading non-genetic cause of hearing loss in children.
17. Up to 70% of children between 1-3 in daycare settings may have CMV.
18. Most infants born with congenital CMV appear healthy at birth.
19. Congenital CMV causes more disabilities than Down syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome, spina bifida, and pediatric HIV/AIDS
20. CMV is the leading cause of Cerebral palsy in children.
21. In 1993, only 3% of babies were screened for hearing loss. By 2001, 90% of babies were screened. In 2015 less than 1% are screened for CMV. By 2020 every baby should be.
22. In 2013, one state passed a law requiring CMV education and testing. In 2014, two states proposed laws and in 2015, five states proposed laws. Is your state next?