Saturday, June 6, 2015

Over and Done.

This Sunday, June 7th, marks 6 months of Hannah being treated for CMV on anti-viral medication.

6 months of hearing the word Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

6 months of a diagnosis. 

6 months of hearing aids. 

6 months of therapy. 

6 months of multiple doctors appointments and insurance claims. 

Six months. 

This week I have been thinking a lot about how our lives looked then and how our lives look now. A lot of the emotions from those early weeks after the diagnosis have resurfaced.  The initial grief that set in has given way to more answers about the virus and encouraging doctors appointments. 

Getting in so quickly with an infectious diseases doctor was a blessing. This team of doctors and nurses helped to answer a lot of questions and give us hope. 

Nurse T that could always make Hannah smile. 

I am glad we don't have to drive downtown for an appointment anymore, but I will miss our monthly visits. Just a chance to talk about all that Hannah is doing and simply have another set of eyes evaluate her on a regular basis. 

NP Kristie. A blessing. She always took plenty of time with us & loved seeing Hannah. 

But now that's over and done. 

On June 8th I will not give Hannah her medicine. 

Instead I will pray that the virus remains dormant and does not effect Hannah's body anymore. I will pray, as many of you have been these last 6 months, that there will not be any lasting problems with her body outside of the hearing loss and Hannah can live a normal life. 

This is not easy to do, but it's necessary. 

To continually lay my plans for Hannah and her health in The Lord's hands. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for praying for Hannah. Thank you for remembering her and bringing her needs before the Father. You have carried us these last 6 months and I know no diagnosis can account for the work of grace in a person's life. 

So, {deep breath}, we are done with infectious diseases.  But everything else remains the same. We are still plugging along at therapy and still taking a trip to Cincinnati Children's every 6 months. We are still visiting the audiologist 2 times a month for ear molds and hearing tests. 

Yes, I wish we were done with everything and these things wouldn't interrupt our life anymore. But, after 6 months I think I've resided to that fact that this is our life. It's hard for me to imagine what  it would be like to not have so many appointments and a girl who needs a little extra help. And for my own sanity I don't let my mind go there anymore. 

I focus on what is. And what is, is pretty great. 

So, as we say goodbye to the University of Louisville pediatric infectious diseases office (say that 5 times fast) we say hello to the next chapter on the Hannah journey. I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to it. 

For those prayer warriors out there who have been praying for Hannah and don't want to stop--here are a few updates I'd love for you to pray for (+ anything else you think of). 

1. Pray The Lord will strengthen Hannah's left side. It is weaker because of the CMV and that makes it hard for her to sit and keep her balance. 

2. Pray Keith & I will have wisdom about next steps with Hannah's hearing. If she becomes a candidate, Hannah could get cochlear implants within the next 6 months. 

3. Pray the Lord will do great things in Hannah's life. 

'Call to me 
and I will answer you 
and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.'
Jeremiah 33:3

Thank you. 

1 comment:

  1. So thankful for this update and so thankful for this next chapter in Hannah's story! Praying for continued health and healing and for God's peace to guard your heart as you surrender to his plan for Hannah! Love you friend! EA
