Friday, April 15, 2016

Hannah Update

Over the past week and a half we've had appointments every. day. For some reason every doctor appointment (new or follow up) landed this week, so needless to say we are a little exhausted and ready for the weekend. 

Overall Hannah is doing well. She is cruising the furniture, balancing on her own for seconds at a time, responding to more sounds, learning new signs and more. For all of these things we are so thankful, but with any appointment there is always the possibility of new issues coming up. Things we never thought of or even knew about. 

One thing that came up a month or so ago is Hannah has a slight pronation on both feet, meaning her feet turn in instead of lay flat, making it harder to walk and balance correctly. Even though Hannah has learned how to walk around on feet that are not completely flat it could pose problems in the future. It can effect her knees, hips, etc so we bought some shoe inserts to help correct the problem. She was also measured for SMOs (one of this week's appointments) that she should get within the next month that will also help her feet and balance. So, hopefully we are on the way to independent walking. 😊

This week we also visited Cincinnati Childrens hospital for 2 follow-ups and an evaluation at the rehab clinic. All of the therapists we met with in the clinic were very encouraged by Hannah's mobility and the PT even said she probably won't need the SMOs for very long. Yay! 

The doctor also had Hannah get a hip x-ray to see if they are in alignment. Of course, they aren't (one of those unexpected things) so she called for an ortho eval. At this point I have no idea what an ortho eval even is and have already had one conversation with the nurse and plan to call her back today with more questions Keith and I came up with last night. 

Even though Cincinnati Childrens is an amazing resource and is only 1.5 hours away it is not feasible for us to go there much more than every 6 months so yes, we have many questions. 

I know life is just like this. Whether you have a child with additional issues or not. 

We appreciate your prayers for wisdom in all her health decisions and that she will continue to make lots of progress. 

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
Romans 15:13

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