Saturday, July 2, 2016

Suzanne Faith

Baby Suzi arrived at 2:56pm, June 27, 2016. 

At 7 lbs 1oz she's my biggest baby and has already filled our house with lots of joy. 

We named her Suzanne after her two grandmother's middle names. My mom's name is Sue and Keith's mom is Anne. 

So far she's taken her place in the family like a champ. Having to deal with two older siblings wanting all the attention and sharing a room with Mom & Dad. 

Not only was she the largest (😉), she's also my only child who didn't come on her own. So, I was induced which was better than expected, but still very long and drawn out. 

The day following her delivery I was able to spend most of the day with only her which was a treat. 

The kids came by in the morning to meet her. 

                 Proud big brother!

And then Daddy took them to the zoo so I could rest and he could spend time with them. 

We are slowly adjusting to our new life of 5. I say slowly because I'm still recovering, Keith's been off and my mom is here. Reality hasn't really set in. 

Here are a few more pictures of the big sibs initating Suzi into the family. 

Hannah is completely uninterested 😊

Some treasures from this week:

*Keith and I spending Monday together. (Even though it was awaiting labor & labor) we don't get many days together just the 2 of us anymore. 

*How excited Eli is being a big brother. He's doing such a good job playing with her and distracting her when she cries. 

*How big Hannah looks now that we have a newborn again. I feel like she's doubled in size over the last week!

*sweet, newborn snuggles. I know Suzi's only 5 days old but she really is sweet. 

*How much the Lord has been with us this week. From calming my fears, to Suzi checking out medically and even having time to nap a little this week. The Lord has been so good to us!

We know the transition is just beginning but we are overjoyed with Suzi and thankful the Lord decided to place her in our family. 

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