Saturday, September 23, 2017

Hurry Up and Wait

This is the story of our lives right now. 

Before we ever decided to move I was hesitant because of Hannah's care. Keith and I talked and prayed about this, often, but don't want one member of the family to make the rules for everyone else. 

This still holds true and we do know the Lord led us through this move, but being the impatient person I am (haha) I would have preferred the transition to be more seamless. 

Of course we are establishing care with doctors and therapist, but what's taking so long is school. We could not begin the paperwork process until we physically lived in NC, so as the men were unloading the truck I was at Staples making copies and delivering them to the Wake Co preschool department. I got a call two days later telling me Hannah's first (of 3) appointment was scheduled September 18. 

Ugh. A whole 2 months from the day I dropped them off. 

I was warned this was a slow process, but two months to get any appointment? Really?

Well, that referral meeting was this past Monday. It went well, I was prepared. Hannah played happily with the speech therapist and we left feeling like the IEP (individual education plan) committee assigned to Hannah should know all about her and her needs. 

Like I said that was the first of 3. The second is October 24 and the third is November 28. 

Hurry up and wait. 

After November 28th she should have a school placement and therapists should be assigned. 

My feeling is since it's so close to the end of the semester she will probably not start until January. 

Had we not moved she would have already been in school since she's 3, but that's ok. I'm  enjoying these last few months with her before she starts school and realize plans are never set in stone. 

Speaking of turning 3, here's a few pictures from the celebration. 

Hannah turning 3 and the largest balloon we've ever seen. Hands down her favorite gift. 

Hannah's always been my best cleaner 😉. 

And a goofy picture of how she walked out the door yesterday. No, the pumpkin did not make it in the car. 

So, even though we are waiting longer than I would have hoped to get Hannah into school and establish a routine we are enjoying the moments right now. 

If you would please pray for this IEP process, pray for the committee (led by Tracy) and pray that she gets placed and receives the services she needs. There are 2 different school options (full day and half day) we are leaning towards half, but know that's in Gods hands. 

Please also pray for all of the additional appointments Hannah is having right now. We travel at least 30 minutes one way for any appointment which is tiring for all of us. The hearing tests are especially tiring. Please pray Hannah will do well and not meltdown during these. We have one next Tuesday and another October 9. 

Thank you, thank you. 

"But if we look forward 
to something we don't yet have, 
we must wait patiently
and confidently."
Romans 8:25

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