Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Eli’s School

Before we even began the process of moving I started praying for friends for Eli. 

Louisville was all he knew. The friends he had we met when he was my only child and those kids grew up with him over the past 4 years. 

They knew our family. 
They knew our life. 

Even though Eli was excited to move to NC I knew he was sad sometimes. He would often bring up our old house and his old friends and just be sad and that was ok. 

One day after a “new friend playdate” he talked about our old life the entire drive home. 

It was gonna take some time. 

When school started he was excited. He couldn’t wait to go and be with new friends. I prayed the newness would not wear off. 

And it really hasn’t. 

Even though we are almost 2 months in,  school is still the highlight of Eli’s day and he really wants to go!

His school is 5 minutes down the road and there are 10 kids and 2 teachers. 

The teachers really teach about love and respect for others and how to be a good friend. He as learned more about being a good helper and how to put others first. I’ve really been amazed. 

I’m so thankful the Lord provided this school and new friends for Eli. 

When I asked him the other day who his best friend was he said “all the boys in my class”. 😊


Johnny Appleseed 

And they have a Shutterfly share site so I get to see a lot of what they do. 

It’s kind of like being a fly in the wall, just without audio. 😉

Being an older brother to a special needs sister  can be hard. I know there are times when Eli gets lost in the shuffle, I’m just so thankful the Lord knew what Eli needed and allowed that for our family. 

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