I know, I know I need to relish all the at home time I’m getting with my kids. These days are fleeting and isn’t it a joy to stay home and teach, no make sure your child is learning??
Everything outside of me is saying “embrace it”, “grow closer to your kids through it” and more.
That’s not happening here.
My kids are once again at 3 different schools. Eli is homeschool hybrid, 2 days at school, 3 days homeschool. Suzi goes to preschool 3 mornings a week and Hannah is a public school virtual learner. Yes, my head is spinning.
We decided to homeschool Eli this year, because online learning was tough on him (& me) in the spring. I switched Suzi’s days at preschool to coincide with Eli’s schedule and of course when this perfect schedule was made Hannah was planning to be an in-person kindergartener 5 days a week. Oh, that feels like such a far off dream right now.
I really want to just go to sleep until the world goes back to normal.
I won’t go into the details of virtual learning for a child with hearing impairment and other special needs, but it’s hard. On everyone. And way too long for her attention span. I have already spoken with her principal more this week than I ever did the last 2 years at her other school. So, they know us.
Eli’s adjustment to homeschool is just that, an adjustment. It’s not the same, mom has never been my teacher before, and now she is. As much as I want him to learn, I also don’t want to strain our relationship, so we are taking it one day at a time.
So, back to making this a good time for everyone. I know I can’t just go to sleep and there are little minds counting on me. This pandemic has brought many things into everyone’s life and schedule and for me this year is learning to teach my kids so they can learn. That is my prayer.
So instead of dropping my 3rd off at preschool and having a leisurely walk through Target I will be learning. Learning how to motivate, learning how to have patience, learning how to teach. No, it will not be perfect everyday, but I know the Lord goes before me and we can do this. And 🤞🏻it doesn’t last the whole year.
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