Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Eli’s School

Before we even began the process of moving I started praying for friends for Eli. 

Louisville was all he knew. The friends he had we met when he was my only child and those kids grew up with him over the past 4 years. 

They knew our family. 
They knew our life. 

Even though Eli was excited to move to NC I knew he was sad sometimes. He would often bring up our old house and his old friends and just be sad and that was ok. 

One day after a “new friend playdate” he talked about our old life the entire drive home. 

It was gonna take some time. 

When school started he was excited. He couldn’t wait to go and be with new friends. I prayed the newness would not wear off. 

And it really hasn’t. 

Even though we are almost 2 months in,  school is still the highlight of Eli’s day and he really wants to go!

His school is 5 minutes down the road and there are 10 kids and 2 teachers. 

The teachers really teach about love and respect for others and how to be a good friend. He as learned more about being a good helper and how to put others first. I’ve really been amazed. 

I’m so thankful the Lord provided this school and new friends for Eli. 

When I asked him the other day who his best friend was he said “all the boys in my class”. 😊


Johnny Appleseed 

And they have a Shutterfly share site so I get to see a lot of what they do. 

It’s kind of like being a fly in the wall, just without audio. 😉

Being an older brother to a special needs sister  can be hard. I know there are times when Eli gets lost in the shuffle, I’m just so thankful the Lord knew what Eli needed and allowed that for our family. 

Fall Things


And I love that I live in a place where I can experience the season. 


This month we took our first solo (family of 5) trip to Boone! 

It was so nice to be back up there, eat at familiar restaurants, see familiar sights, sleep in a cozy house with no A/C and experience it with my people who had never been there before. 

Eli continually talks about our “mountain house” and how much he misses it. 

A selfie as we started up the mountain

At the bottom of the falls
Everyone did their best walking and keeping up. 

Eli was behind me the majority of the time and I always knew he was with me because he talked the entire time. 😊 
After a short break in the afternoon we headed to Blowing Rock for dinner and ice cream!

I am so glad we could enjoy this time away as a family. 

In North Carolina the fall also brings the Fair!

I don’t think I’ve been to the fair in over 10 years but it was just as fun as I remembered. 

As we drove into the parking lot Eli saw the large Ferris wheel so that was his one and only thought as we walked through the gate. 


We went to the fair the first day so the animals had lots of energy. 

I think Hannah could have watched the chicks for hours. 

My barn-raising kiddos

The best we could do 

Suzi playing in the PBS tent
Hannah’s favorite ride


It was a fun-filled day at the fair and an excellent fall activity. 

It is a blessing to live close to fun places and family. We have loved being able to see grandparents often, especially since Hannah has had many, many starter doctors appointments and Mawmaw has helped watch Suzi during those times. 

As we approach the “month of thankfulness” I must say we have lots to be thankful for. 

Even though a move is never easy we have seen the Lord’s hand in so many ways. 

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Hurry Up and Wait

This is the story of our lives right now. 

Before we ever decided to move I was hesitant because of Hannah's care. Keith and I talked and prayed about this, often, but don't want one member of the family to make the rules for everyone else. 

This still holds true and we do know the Lord led us through this move, but being the impatient person I am (haha) I would have preferred the transition to be more seamless. 

Of course we are establishing care with doctors and therapist, but what's taking so long is school. We could not begin the paperwork process until we physically lived in NC, so as the men were unloading the truck I was at Staples making copies and delivering them to the Wake Co preschool department. I got a call two days later telling me Hannah's first (of 3) appointment was scheduled September 18. 

Ugh. A whole 2 months from the day I dropped them off. 

I was warned this was a slow process, but two months to get any appointment? Really?

Well, that referral meeting was this past Monday. It went well, I was prepared. Hannah played happily with the speech therapist and we left feeling like the IEP (individual education plan) committee assigned to Hannah should know all about her and her needs. 

Like I said that was the first of 3. The second is October 24 and the third is November 28. 

Hurry up and wait. 

After November 28th she should have a school placement and therapists should be assigned. 

My feeling is since it's so close to the end of the semester she will probably not start until January. 

Had we not moved she would have already been in school since she's 3, but that's ok. I'm  enjoying these last few months with her before she starts school and realize plans are never set in stone. 

Speaking of turning 3, here's a few pictures from the celebration. 

Hannah turning 3 and the largest balloon we've ever seen. Hands down her favorite gift. 

Hannah's always been my best cleaner 😉. 

And a goofy picture of how she walked out the door yesterday. No, the pumpkin did not make it in the car. 

So, even though we are waiting longer than I would have hoped to get Hannah into school and establish a routine we are enjoying the moments right now. 

If you would please pray for this IEP process, pray for the committee (led by Tracy) and pray that she gets placed and receives the services she needs. There are 2 different school options (full day and half day) we are leaning towards half, but know that's in Gods hands. 

Please also pray for all of the additional appointments Hannah is having right now. We travel at least 30 minutes one way for any appointment which is tiring for all of us. The hearing tests are especially tiring. Please pray Hannah will do well and not meltdown during these. We have one next Tuesday and another October 9. 

Thank you, thank you. 

"But if we look forward 
to something we don't yet have, 
we must wait patiently
and confidently."
Romans 8:25

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Getting a routine

Yes, it's still summer. All I want to do is enjoy the sunshine, sleep in and read a book. 

But, I have kids and those things don't happen, at least in the way I'm dreaming about. 

One routine that we started just today is potty training Hannah. 

I decided to do it last night. She is *showing* some signs of being ready and it's summer and Keith and Eli were gone all day, etc. 

As we started off the morning I quickly discovered she had no idea what I was trying to get her to do and I had no idea how to go about it. I'm definitely not that mom who has a three step plan for potty training. Eli took forever. 

So my goals for the day were:
Do all in my power to keep Hannah from getting frustrated. 
We both would be encouraged. 
Patience with the process,
And that I would believe in Hannah. 

I will say Hannah exceeded my expectations, especially taking into account that she and I had a hard time communicating, but I think we are definitely on the road to success. 

Now this road may take months but at least we've started. She's a smart girl and even if bribing and prizes don't work for her, I do believe she can be potty trained. 


Getting the hang of our new routine will continue to take some time, but the Lord answered my prayer today and encouraged me (hopefully Hannah, too).  I'm so thankful he continues to show me the potential in my girl. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

New to Us

Well, we made it. 

I must admit I've taken almost zero pictures, but here's one of the kiddos on our porch in KY on the last day. 


I hope to get one of us on our new porch as soon as I meet someone to take it. 😉

We have met a few neighbors but since we are in the (hot) dog days of summer we rarely see anyone out and about. We have ventured to the neighborhood playground a handful of times and have had the place to ourselves!

Both Keith and I have friends here which is such an encouragement. Some friends we know well and others we haven't connected with in years but it's nice to feel known and wanted. 

We are taking a break from therapy. 

The main reason is Hannah has about 50 days until she turns 3. Early intervention therapy only lasts until the child turns 3. So, we could, in theory, turn in all the paperwork, wait to be assigned a case manager, get her evaluated, wait to be matched with therapists and then only meet with them maybe one time, so I opted against that. 

I think it's best for our family. 

Hannah will start her interviews for her IEP (individual education plan) on September 18. These interviews and evals will determine what services she receives through the public school system and what school she will attend. 

I already know where I want her to go. 

We do have doctors appointments set up between now and then that will hopefully give the school system more info about Hannah. 

And a beach trip, where we will only be in the car 3 hours or less! 

We found the library this morning and our short-lived trip reminded me why we haven't done much of that since Hannah was born. (More on that later). 

But, to focus on the positives, its nice to be in NC. We look forward to all the Lord has planned for our family here and are assured of his goodness in the transition. 

 Well, at least I got a pic of one kid on the porch. More to come!

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Moving On


Ever since Keith and I got married in the Tarheel state, we have always talked about "getting back to NC". 

We had the opportunity to move there before we got married but decided on Austin instead. Looking back, we have no regrets moving to Austin. It was a great city to start a marriage in and where our Eli was born. We both loved living there and found some amazing friends that we still have today! 

We moved to Louisville quickly, for a job and completely felt the Lord's leading.  Eli was only 18 months old. We moved into a house which was much too big for us, but with room to grow.  And grow we did. Louisville gave us 2 more children and sweet early years as a family. However, the complications Hannah was born with hit us from out of no where, as well as a hard work situation for Keith. 

Again, we know the Lord led us here and has provided for all the needs of our family. Big and small. 

So in less than two weeks we complete the circle and move to North Carolina. 

A place we've never lived as a family. And a place I haven't lived in more than 15 years. 

It's exciting to start another adventure. NC has a lot to offer in recreation, schooling and medical services. It will be so nice to be closer to family and in a way start over. 

It's also nerve-racking to think about finding new schools, doctors and starting over. 

We will miss our friends, church family and the countless doctors and therapists who have been with us the last 4 years. 

Hannah with 4 of the therapists who have worked her the last 2+ years. 

This move is unlike any I've had before. I'm going back to a place I know, but it will still take some adjustment. I am in charge of helping my kids maneuver the emotions of leaving a place they've grown for their whole life and settle into a place that is foreign. New schools, new church, new doctors, new friends and so much more. It's a big task. 

But with this move, unlike the others, I have the desire to take the bull by the horns and step out of my comfort zone and live bigger. 

I literally have no idea what this means, practically, but I am excited to see how the Lord moves us on this journey. 

Please pray for us as we say goodbye to our Kentucky home over the next 10 days and I will update you next from NC! 

"The LORD will guide you continually,
 giving you water when you are dry 
and restoring your strength. 
You will be like a 
well-watered garden, 
like an ever-flowing spring."
Isaiah 58:11

Suzi turns ONE!

We love you Suzi Faith,


When you come into the room you are smiling   


You love your sister and your brother. 


You had our first family birthday party that was entirely outside! (I finally got a summer baby!)

You were crying when you first got in your high chair, unimpressed by all of the attention.  

But everything changed when you saw (and tasted) the cake!

So fun to celebrate with friends who have watched you grow this past year. 

And fun to be silly as a family!


And you had lots of help opening your presents. 


Suzi Faith,
You fill our family to the top and we are so thankful to celebrate the first year of your life! 

You are beautiful, thoughtful and so much more that we don't even know yet. 

I pray every day that you and Hannah will be close friends and you will have wisdom beyond your years. 

The Lord created you special and for a purpose and I am so thankful to be along on the journey. 

❤️ you!

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Summer's Here!

Eli finished 4 year old preschool. 


Just in time for the weather to warm up and for us to enjoy more fun outside. 


This summer has already gone by quick (since we are already 3 weeks in), but there is a lot of fun to be had. 

Father's Day memories. And special presents from the oldest kiddos. We are all so thankful for our champion Daddy who leads us well!

Life if filled with seasons and for us, this one is pretty hectic. But I wouldn't change it for a more low-key life, at least not today. 

"Like arrows in the hands
of a warrior are children born
in one's youth.  
Blessed is the man 
whose quiver is full of them."
Psalm 127:4-5

Monday, May 29, 2017

No Change

"No Change"

That phrase can be perceived positively. 

Like there is no change in location or no change in the time of the event. Everything is as expected, no need to switch your plans. 

Or negatively. 

There is no change in the diagnosis or no change in my answer. "Yes, kids we are going to the doctor, the plans did not change". 

In Hannah's case it's a both/and. 

Hannah had a sedated hearing test a few weeks ago and there has been no change in the hearing in her right ear. 

But also, there has been very little change in her speaking ability. 

Her speech therapist calls Hannah a puzzle. She does everything in her knowledge box to help get Hannah to say more sounds, but the tricky thing is, some days Hannah talks a lot and other days she is completely silent. 

And no one can figure out why she does it. 

Is it because she can't hear us?
Does she not want to hear us?
Is it because she's two and just doesn't feel like speaking at that time?

Yes, a puzzle. 

In a meer 3 months Hannah will have completed her early intervention therapy and will be ushered into preschool. 

This preschool will be specifically designed for kids with hearing loss and I do believe that it will make Hannah speak more. The daily routine of school, the pressure from her peers, etc. 

Right now the professional opinion is not to move forward on implanting Hannah's right ear. The doctor thinks her hearing aid is giving her enough amplification to allow her to hear well. 

I tend to agree. 

We will continue to check it every 6 months. 

There are no reasons to think that Hannah won't speak, and it does seem like she understands everything that is being said, so again it's a puzzle. 

One that is hard to be patient on putting together.