Her stats:
Weight: 6 lbs 11oz
Length: 19.5 inches
Dark blue eyes and blonde hair (yay!)
Hannah is a sweet girl and eats and sleeps well so far, well like a 1 week old.
Eli is still trying to figure out how she fits into our family, but loves to talk about her with others. I'm sure it will take a while for him to see her as a "regular" member of our family.
The day after Hannah was born Eli decided he couldn't be out done...
His fever spiked to 105 by Monday night, so he, Keith and my mom were downstairs in the ER while Hannah and I were on the 2nd floor of the same hospital. The fun really began when we came home Tuesday and had to keep Eli (whose fever was still hovering around 102) away from her and me.
Truly this was not the homecoming I had envisioned and I hated being so separate from my boy especially since he could not understand why AND did not feel good, but we pray that the separation was worth it. So far, so good.
Eli's fever broke Friday morning and since then his energy and laughter has been coming back. Praise The Lord!
I'll leave you with a few more sweet pics.
We are so grateful for our new little bundle from The Lord.
Thank you for rejoicing with us!