Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Hannah at 6 months

Hannah is doing so well with her therapy. It may just be her age, or the fact that we are working with her intentionally, but she is starting to do so much more.

She is behind with her gross motor skills, but we kind of expected that. She cannot quite sit up, but she's trying hard. 

She's also found her voice. Whether her hearing aids are in or not she makes herself heard. I wish I had a video to post of just how loud she can be. Maybe next week. Here's a picture of her yelling so you can probably imagine. 

Oh sweet Hannah. We love you so and are so privileged to be your parents. You continue to amaze us everyday. 

We have noticed tightening on her left side. Please pray she will gain complete use of her left hand and left side. Right now the only thing we can know about is her hand because she's so young. 

Thank you everyone out there for praying for our girl and us. As a friend told me when we got the diagnosis "you will have high, highs and low, lows", that is certainly true. We must cling to truth and ultimately Christ. 

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
2 Corinthians 4:17

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

He's 3!

My baby is growing up!

From this...

To this...

We had a great weekend celebrating Eli. His spunk, determination, love, independence and head-strong-ness make him the boy I'm proud to call my son. 

Because of his love for all things cars I tried my hand at cupcake decorating. Thank goodness my mom was in town because I would have never been able to do these without an extra set of hands to help with the kids. 

My inspiration. 

The result. 

Not too bad for my first attempt. I wish I had captured Eli's expression when he first saw them, but I did get a few pics of him enjoying them. 

Your love for life is contagious. You make everyone you come in contact with smile. I especially love seeing you with Hannah. How you encourage her to "flip" over and you join in with your Dad and I as we help her during physical therapy. It brings tears to my eyes. I know you are the brother God designed for Hannah and I look forward to watching your relationship grow. May the Lord continue to draw you close to Him so you will know Him as your personal Lord and savior early in life. 

We love you,

"Children are a gift from the LORD; 
they are a reward from him."
Psalm 127:3