As we wait out these last few weeks before baby we are starting the summer off right.
First of all Mawmaw and Poppy came for Memorial Day and we went strawberry picking.
I think Eli picked 2, ate them, and immediately went and sat down but it was fun.
Hannah found her spot too.
With the nice weather, we also went to the zoo. It's so nice to have one in our city!
Also, Eli started swim class. This is something he and Keith are doing one evening a week with an instructor at our neighborhood pool. I think he loves it and it gives him some pool time.
Every summer we have a block party. There are lots of "big kids" that live around us so many parents pitch in for an inflatable water slide. Last year Eli went down once and that was it. This year he couldn't get enough of it.
It was an added bonus that, Megan, a sweet neighbor, volunteered to go with him almost every time. This also made this mama feel better since the water slide was 44 ft tall!
Another big triumph that has been happening the last few weeks is Hannah is getting very close to walking.
Every day I feel like she is getting more controlled and can go further. She still prefers holding a hand but it won't be long. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. Mostly excited ☺️.
And the last thing that added adventure to our week was releasing our butterflies.
We cared for them several weeks and then they came out of the cocoons and we set them free. It was a fun science experiment that I'm sure will be repeated.
Looking back, I can't believe we've only been officially on summer break for a week and we've already done all this. I know we'll slow down, or I will at least, but for now we're having fun.
Here's one last pic to document this little life to come.
Our neighbor, Emily who is due a couple weeks before me. Hopefully our girls will be good friends.
Sweet summertime!