Monday, February 23, 2015

All Things New


It's so beautiful. It makes everything clean, white, new. Well, last week, like lots of you, we got it and got it and got some more. Over a foot of snow!

It came in Monday and our first attempt out was Thursday. By that point the daily high was in the single digits so I bundled the kids up and we hit up every drive-thru we could find. 

Snow does make all things new. As does a baby. The newness of the little life, everything they do for the first time, soft skin, cooing, crying and so much more. 

My kids keep me on my toes but it is such a blessing watching them discover things for the first time. Everything from Hannah grabbing her toes to Eli putting a puzzle together. 

Hannah has been doing really well lately. She is reaching and rolling and gabbing away. I find myself getting more anxious about her hearing loss and what that will mean in the future. How will she fit in? Will she be able to follow conversation? Will she feel isolated? All I can do is give those things to the Lord. Please pray for me, I really do want to be the mom she needs to face all these emotions and trials she will go through. 

We did get encouraging news last week. Her lab tests now show no trace of CMV. This means the anti-viral meds she is taking are working. Her counts may go back up after she finishes the medicine but we pray no more damage is done. 

We pray, like snow covering ground, God will make Hannah new. We pray her body has no lasting effects of the virus outside of hearing loss and that she will know the Lord as her savior. 

And the one seated on the throne said: "Look! I am making all things new!" Then he said to me, "Write it down, because these words are reliable and true."
Revelation 21:5

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

I had an excited little boy leave the house this morning on his way to school for his first valentines party.

Yesterday we made valentines. Eli still cannot help a lot with crafts, but I chose a (semi) easy DIY valentine. 

Tuesday we went to the grocery store and bought all the supplies. 


Then we started assembling...

                                                Ta da!

Eli got really into putting the oranges in bags, then I closed them up and attached the tag. 

Of course, this happened when I wasn't looking...
Fortunately we had 1 extra orange so Eli got to partake. 

So if you need a last minute valentine idea you can find it here.
Sorry to say this was not an Ellie original.

                     Hannah doing what she does best. 

Happy valentine's day everyone!

"Dear friends: 
let us love one another, 
for love comes from God."
1 John 4:7

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Not to be Outdone

Last Friday at approximately 4:20pm Eli and I were playing on his new bed when he tripped (either over my leg or all the wadded up covers) and fell face first into the side of the bed and then to the ground. I immediately went to him and he began screaming in pain. I called the dentist who thankfully was still there and is only a short 5 minutes from our house.

Eli fractured his front tooth and took a big gash out of his gum but nothing that won't heal. He just had to get a few x-rays and a brief exam. He was brave. He got rewarded with a popsicle, a prize and an ice pack. 

I think the ice pack was his favorite. He kept it on even after the coldness faded. 

I often wonder how all this stuff with Hannah is effecting him. How it WILL effect him in the future. 

As a mom I don't know why The Lord chose me to be Hannah's mama. Wouldn't someone else be able to deal better with her? Be more financially able to give her all the care she needs? When I really think about it I'm thankful I'm her mama, do I wish she didn't have CMV? Of course! But thankful to be used by God in this way. 

But Eli? He didn't ask for a sister much less a sister with special needs (there, I said it). 

But The Lord did. 

I know this will shape his character, give him patience and love for Hannah that Keith nor I can ever provide. 

We may not see the extent of Gods plan through Hannah's illness until heaven, but what a revelation it will be. 

            She really does love him. 

        And he loves her so much too!

So, maybe bump ups like a busted lip are just what Eli needs (for now) to get some extra TLC from his parents. 

His lip getting better also shows him how The Lord heals. We pray every night for Hannah to be healed. The Lord is over the big and small healings in our life!

"We love because He first loved us." 
1 John 4:19