Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Starting Playgroup & Preschool

This week Hannah started the 2s playgroup at the local hearing school. 

This playgroup allows kids to be around others who are their age and also have speech or hearing issues. 

We are excited to get our feet wet at this school for one day a week because in all likelihood Hannah will attend preschool here starting next year. 

While there are several deaf schools around the country there are very few hearing schools, the key to oral learning, so we are thankful to be in Louisville and that this resource is available to us!

This is not a "mommy and me"  playgroup but rather a time for the kids to be on their own with teachers who specialize in speech and hearing impaired kiddos. So, I got to watch from afar and from what I could tell and what I was told Hannah did well. 

I'm pretty sure she's the youngest in the group, but she didn't let that stop her. Of course she needs more practice paying attention and focusing on what the teacher asks her to do but that will come in time and her upcoming surgery should help greatly!

They do things like wash their hands, do a craft, sing lots of songs, free play inside and out and much more. Everything that they do is over-annunciated and signed which helps them learn better. It really is amazing to see Hannah pick up on signs and use them. Since the speaking part is taking longer than we want this really helps us to communicate!

Here's sweet Suzi hanging out with Mama during the playgroup. 

Hannah's not afraid to get in there and get her feet wet, which I am very thankful for so this group is a good thing!

She was, however, pooped by the end of the 2 hours. 

In other news Eli started preschool this week. He's going 3 days a week and yes, this is his last year before kindergarten, so hard to believe!

Eli's chosen way to stand for the picture

A little disclaimer: Keith was out of town the morning I took this so this Mama had to get 3 kids up and out by 7:45. So, that's why his shoes are on the wrong feet. 😉

Eli still doesn't tell me a whole bunch about his day, he talks and talks, don't get me wrong, but for some reason he doesn't want to share all the details. 

I do think his class is a little more structured and a little more work than last year but he's adjusting to it well. 

Even though it's hard at times to have 3 little ones at home this year I'm thankful for it. Next year with Eli in kindergarten and Hannah in preschool things will look a lot different around here!

"For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven."
Ecclesiastes 3:1

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

And it begins...

After a week of tests, evaluations and discussions the conclusion is to implant Hannah's left ear. This wasn't a huge shock to us and we are thankful everyone involved is basically on the same page, but the unknown is still scary. Especially having the surgery 1.5 hrs from home and everything that entails. 

We are taking everything one step at a time. First of all insurance has to approve the surgery, that can take 3-6 weeks. After it is approved we have to get on the surgery schedule. Best case scenario is 8 weeks, worst case is December. 😁

The reason we are starting with just one ear is because Hannah's left ear has always been her worst and since she has other issues, not just hearing loss, the doctor wants to make sure this is a mechanical issue and not a neurological one. So, doing one ear, then giving Hannah some time to show us what she can hear and do will give us information for a possible right ear implant in the future. 

So Keith and I have been reading up on manufacturers and think we have landed on one (it's a big decision choosing something that will go in your girl's head!)

Of course we want to commit this whole process to the Lord. We do think that He is leading us in this direction but would you pray for a few other things?

Please pray insurance approval would come quickly so that the appointment will be scheduled soon. 

Pray that the surgery would happen at just the right time for everyone involved. (Our family, family that may come in to help out, the doctor, etc). 

Please pray that this surgery will help Hannah hear better and begin to speak. 

There are many other specific requests that will come as the process unfolds and I'll share them with you then. 

Thanks for walking through this with us. It is a huge decision that can make a life-changing difference. 

Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.
Proverbs 16:3