Wednesday, April 29, 2015

A Breath of Fresh Air - Literally.

Last week we were blessed with a trip back to Austin!

Back to the land of big bridges, small trees, warm temperatures and sweet relationships. 

We decided to go so we could reconnect with friends and introduce Hannah. 

Since Hannah's diagnosis we have felt lots of support from our community of friends there but it was nice to have more time (in person) for more indepth conversations. 

Hearing everyone's questions about CMV (and confusion, since it's such an obscure virus) got me thinking about using this blog as an avenue of awareness. 

You may have noticed at the top of the blog there are now tabs about us & CMV. My hope is that people who have questions about the virus can find some answers here and be aware of the risk for pregnant mamas. We truly don't want another family to go through what we have. 

Ok, back to our trip. 

It was constant, but good constant. Seeing friends, seeing sights (and tastes) in Austin that we have missed. Visiting our church community, playing on one playground after another, going to a parade and so much more. 

All of us on the plane...surviving. 

Waiting on the parade with friends!

Kids, kids and more kids. What will they all be like the next time we're together? Sniff, sniff...

Above is one of E's closest friends when we lived there. It was fun to re-introduce them. 

Dancin' to the live music. 

Socked out on the way home. 

Our week was full in all the good ways. 

Thanks everyone in Austin for hosting us and making us feel so welcome. We miss you guys and can't wait to see you again!

"As iron sharpens iron, 
so one man sharpens another. " 
Proverbs 27:17

Thanks for sharpening us, friends!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Appointments, appointments.

Last Wednesday we woke both kids up entirely too early and hit the road for an 8am appointment in Cincinnati.

Our sweet boy did amazing. He's a great car traveler, but also did very well in the appointments. We were teased on the way in, however. We passed a nice, empty, covered (it was raining) playground and went back to it between appointments only to find out it was only used for special kids that have class there. Bummer! But, chic fila was not far away.

We saw a developmental pediatrician (Dr. W) and a neurologist (Dr. S). 

In short, the appointments went very well. Both doctors were impressed with how well Hannah is doing and even though she is behind she should walk and talk and live a good life. Dr. S even said we should only come back to see him if we think it will benefit, so it's good to know they see lots of promise in our little girl. 

As I've mentioned before her left side is slower because of the right brain trauma. 
If you are around her you will notice she keeps that hand fisted and does not use it to grab like she does her right. Because of this Dr. W did diagnosis her with mild cerebral palsy. We fully expect she will grow out of it, but there it is just the same. Having this diagnosis will help with insurance and getting additional therapy if needed. 

We also learned a lot more about hearing aids vs. cochlear implants. We learned that Hannah's team of doctors (Dr. W, her audiologist, the surgeon and possibly her therapist) all have to agree if/when she is a candidate. It seems that hearing aids are better for hearing low, bass tones while CI are better at hearing high, softer sounds. Some doctors think having one of each is the best case scenario, but new technology is coming about all the time, so we will weigh the pros and cons if we get to that point. 

We plan to return to Cincinnati when Hannah is 12 months for a checkup and to decide her next steps. 

We are so thankful for the team of doctors we are working with. She is in excellent hands. 

We are also so thankful for all of you. Your prayers, words of encouragement, emails, texts mean the world to us. 

Please continue to pray for Hannah's left side--that she will learn how to use it properly and bear weight on her arms. 

She has another sedated hearing test next Thursday 4/23. This again will see if her hearing has gotten any worse and will allow us to adjust her hearing aids if needed. I'm not excited about this test, but know she needs it just the same. 

The king's heart 
is like a stream of water 
directed by the LORD; 
he guides it 
wherever he pleases.
Proverbs 21:1


It only took 7 months.

It only took 7 months for someone to ask me what was behind Hannah's ears. It came from an innocent child who was no more than 10. I was sitting at the IKEA snack bar with both children while Keith got us some ice cream before we piled in the car and drove 2 hours home. Hannah was smiling and laughing and the little girl noticed, commented about how cute she was and asked. 

I really don't mind being asked. 

I love to talk about Hannah and I loved explaining why Hannah wore hearing aids to this girl. 

What I wasn't expecting was the reaction (or non-reaction) of her father. 

The father never directly looked at me. He just sat there listening to his daughter and other children. He was expressionless and eventually told his daughter to stop asking me so many questions. About that time Keith came with the ice cream so we parted ways. 

I'm sure the father didn't know what to say and he was probably exhausted after enduring IKEA with his children, but the way he handled that situation kind of shocked me. 

It also made me sad. 

Is this what Hannah will face her whole life? People looking at her but not saying anything? Or worse, looking and making fun? I pray she will have the maturity and knowledge to know how to handle those situations. And so will I. 

I know life is hard and if Hannah doesn't get made fun of for wearing hearing aids it will be something else, but as her mama all I want to do is protect her. 

But then I remember to take it one day at a time. 

Right now I am her voice and I'm privileged to be. 

Right now I get to hold her a little longer and enjoy the baby that she is. 

For that I'm thankful. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Happenings

I love Easter. Flowers are blooming, the sun is shining, everyone gets outside and it's the day that reminds us of the hope we have in the resurrection. I am so thankful that the stone was rolled away and we are forever redeemed.

This year Eli understood a little more about the meaning of Easter. He says it is about Jesus, a cross and church. We are getting there. 

Between the cooking, egg dying and egg hunting we had special times as a family and with friends. 

Needless to say the Easter bunny is still not a big hit...

But this little bunny is a hit in our family...

Siblings. So precious. 

The best shot of the 4 of us. 

Hannah is doing well. We see her move and try new things almost daily. We will travel back to Cincinnati this week for another neurology appointment and one with a developmental pediatrician. The pediatrician specializes in hearing loss and hopefully will give us some helpful info. Please continue to pray for Hannah's left side and that she will begin to bear weight on straight arms when on her tummy. 

Here are a few more pics of our girl doing her thing. 

Thanks so much for your prayers. I'll update you next week.