Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Trying Hard

Hannah has always been the worst most challenging sleeper in our household. Since the day we brought her home she hasn't wanted to sleep. She went down to 1 nap/day at 11 months and when she was around a year old she finally slept through the night (after much trying) but at times it's still touch and go.

I always heard stories that kids don't sleep well when they are learning a new physical skill. I guess Eli went through this, maybe, for a couple of hours 1 night a long, long time ago.  So yeah, I don't really remember. 

Since Hannah is approaching 16 months and delayed physically I kind of thought we skipped the sleeping issues due to skill learning. Wrong. Last night she woke sitting in her bed, trying to pull up on the railing and very awake. Yes, the bed will be lowered before bedtime tonight. 

I'm really so proud of her and she's proud of herself. She is the child that really wants to move, she wants to get up, see, follow the big kids, etc.  But many times her body will not allow it. 

We still have to put her in the infant room at church because she's not walking, which she hates, and I get called out about every other week because she's so unhappy. One week I went back and they had her in a swing, so yes she has graduated from the infant room, but there's just no other place to put her. 

Her major mode of transportation is rolling right now and she has perfected it to a tee. She will roll from the living room to the kitchen, down the hall, into her room, Eli's room and everywhere else. And she's gotten really, really fast. Of course she doesn't realize that it would be faster and easier if she crawled, but her left side just won't allow it. We have been told once she's walking we can do things to help strengthen that left hand and arm, but at this time crawling just isn't happening. Her brain cannot figure it out. So, she rolls. 

I'm sure I will look back on the rolling days with fondness in the not so distant future, but now I just want it to be easier for her. I guess that will never change. 

Whatever you do, 
work at it with all your heart, 
as working for the Lord.  
Colossians 3:23

Monday, December 21, 2015

Christmas came early

Since we will spend time with family on Christmas Day we decided to have our family of 4 Christmas this past Saturday. 

We woke up to two little elves in our bed. 

After Keith made a delicious breakfast the present-opening began. 

Eli still has a little trouble moving on after he opens a fun gift (because he wants to play with it right then and there) but he's getting better. The fact that most of his gifts were in bags helped out big time! 

Helping Hannah with her gift from him. (So excited!!)

My two little munchkins had a blast. Eli with the toys, Hannah with the massive amounts of paper. But, I have to say this has been the most fun little people Christmas yet. It is true what people say, Christmas is better through the eyes of a child. 

From our family to yours we wish you the merriest of Christmases and a Happy New Year too!

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.
Isaiah 9:2

Saturday, December 5, 2015

All the way my savior leads me

This morning I woke up earlier than all others in my house, probably because my mommy brain just turned on early and not because I was fully rested. Facebook reminded me of this post that was written a year ago. A post that was shared and commented on more than 700 times.

As I read over the re-posts and comments and tears ran down my face I was reminded of just how many of you have held us this past year. How many of you have prayed, asked your bible studies and churches to pray, and truly cared for Hannah and our family. It's almost too much to express in words--the power of prayer.

There have been times, many times, we did not know what to pray or how to pray and you prayed for us.

Thank you. 

As I think back on those dark days I'm reminded of those of you who never left us and a God who hasn't either. Through all the questions, unknowns ups and downs the Lord has been leading us and keeping our heads up. 

When we didn't feel like venturing out to a doctor appointment on a cold winter day the Lord motivated us and helped us through. When we felt at the end of our rope and very sad in the diagnosis a friend would call and encourage us. When I felt very alone in a house with two youngsters a friend would call and ask to stop by. 

All of this was the Lord leading us and you praying for us. 

This morning we also had Hannah's one year assessment for first steps--Kentucky's early intervention program. 

As I sat there, across the room from Hannah, watching her engage with therapists, jibber jabber with strangers, point, make eye contact and sit up the whole time my heart was glad. Of course glad at the progress, but also glad about the girl she is becoming. A girl who yes, needs a little more help, but doesn't let that stop her. A girl who, through God's grace, is determined and willing to work hard to accomplish every day tasks. 

I started to think if she works this hard at simple tasks how hard will she work when the goal is larger and and the outcome greater? 

So much of her personality is just emerging and it's a sweet sight to behold. 

There is still so much we don't know about Hannah's future, but we know who holds it. The same One who has walked with us this past year and since the beginning. 

It's hard to find the right words to thank you all for your prayers and love so I'll simply say thank you. 

From the bottom of my heart.