Friday, July 20, 2018

What Summertime Brings...

Summertime has gone 

As I look back over the weeks I feel like I was just planning camps, VBS and vacations and now they’ve almost all come and gone. 

I love summer because it comes without a schedule,  for a long time. When I am rushing around getting everyone where they need to be I feel like a part of me is lost and I turn into a bus driver. So, Hannah’s schedule has thrown a few wrenches into how our family operates.  We decided to send her to a full day hearing impaired school that is 30 minutes away back in the winter. Even though I knew this would take a lot of extra effort (and driving) I was, and still am, hopeful of the progress we will see in her language by going to this school. 

A few weeks before her previous school ended I talked with her teacher and she mentioned the new school having a year-round schedule. Wrench #1. 

So, Even though Hannah and Eli are both attending a public school they have 2 different schedules. The year-round schedule has the students in class 9 weeks off 3 weeks, year round. The traditional schedule (Eli’s) has him in school from September to June with a long summer break. As I am not opposed to the year-round option I wish both children were on the same schedule. But, I keep telling myself it’s only for 2 years, while Hannah is in preschool and then she should return to the traditional schedule. 🤞Hannah starts school August 1st. 

Another thing that was added is Hannah having her first round of Botox treatments. Wrench #2. Botox is used for people who have tight and/or weak muscles. It helps them become more flexible (for a limited amount of time) to help with walking better, etc. So, Hannah had this procedure on Monday and now will start intensive Physical therapy for the next 12 weeks. 

All I can say, thank the Lord my family is close, because I could not do this without my mom. 

As Keith mentioned last night, so much with Hannah’s care is a guessing game. We hope and pray that we are making the right decisions but sometimes you just have to go with your gut, and Keith’s seems to be more accurate than mine. 

We know the Lord has brought us this far and he is where our wisdom and help come from. (1 Samuel 7: 3-12). 

One other thing that made our summer even more special was Suzi’s 2nd birthday. Have I mentioned I love summer birthdays? We had a “water party” with neighbors complete with cupcakes and watermelon. So perfect for a second birthday. 
