Friday, March 17, 2017

We're All SICK Here!

Well, let me rephrase that, 3 out of 5 are sick, but Mama was taken down this time, so it feels like everyone.

I'm sure I'm not alone in my longing for Spring to come and stay. I'm tired of the rain, tired of the cold and tired of all the runny noses. 

Sickness has prevailed this year in the Richards household and it will not loosen it's grip. 

I think it started well over a month ago, before we went to Florida and got spoiled with the summertime weather.  That week gave us a little reprieve, but as soon as the weather went back down in the 30s and 40s all the symptoms came back.

I don't know about you, but when I'm not feeling good my sin really comes out.  I am less patient with my family and even the little things seem huge in the moment.

Take for example this morning.  After leaving Hannah alone with a bowl of yogurt a little too long, with only Suzi as a witness, I come back in the kitchen to find it on the ground, in her hair, everywhere.  Who knows why?  Maybe because she is one of the sickies, but also maybe because she just didn't want strawberry yogurt for breakfast this morning and that was her way of telling me.  So, after I cleaned the kitchen I scooped her up and put her in the shower.

Hannah being Hannah and balance not being her strong suit she slipped multiple times in the shower. This led to both of us becoming a little frustrated.  One because I feel like a 2.5 year old should be able to catch her balance in the shower and two since her processor was off she could not hear any of my instructions.

I hate when I feel this way.  I hate when I get frustrated at things Hannah does that she cannot help and probably would rather do better.  I want to set Hannah up for success.  Be it a slip-free bath time or not tripping down the stairs or the ability to communicate clearly with her.

After the morning calmed down, Suzi was napping and Hannah was otherwise entertained I sat down to listen to last Sunday's sermon on courage that I had missed.

"Take courage, for as you
have testified to the 
facts about me in Jerusalem,
so you must testify also in Rome."
Acts 23:11

Using Paul's life as an example, our pastor challenged us to have courage in unknown circumstances and to step out, in faith, with courage when it seems hard or unpopular.  

This sermon really resonated with both Keith and I, especially due to the events that have taken place in our life and family over the last 2 months.  Do we have the courage we need to go into the unknown full of faith?

As I thought through where I need to display courage my mind went back to Hannah.  

Do I have the courage to lay down my fears of the future to set Hannah up for success?  To believe she can do anything she sets out to even if it takes a little longer than the typical kiddo?  The last thing I want to do is hold my daughter back because I don't want her to slip and fall.  

After thinking through this and how the Lord is sovereign over Hannah's life I go to put the laundry from the washer to the dryer.  I turn around and here comes my mini me with stool in hand to help in the process.  


Again, when I start to doubt the Lord about my daughter's ability, He sweetly shows me how much she can do.  And gives me another glimpse into the person he created her to be.


I don't like that my daughter caught a virus that limits her ability and immediately put her in the special needs category.  But I do know He actively works all things (even the schemes of the devil) for our good and his glory.

I look forward to witnessing what the Lord will do with her life and pray that I will hold her with an open hand (and not get in the way!)

So, even when I am frustrated that my daughter may not be where others are who are her age, I take courage in the fact that the Lord is using her life for her good and his glory.

And all I have to do is cheer her on.

Sovereign Over Us - Aaron Keyes

Monday, March 6, 2017


We went to Disney. Yes we did. 

I know some people love the thought of going to the most magical place on earth and others loath it. For us it was simply magical and I'm so glad we went. 

Here is a little back story on the months and weeks that led up to this trip. 

You see, we started thinking about this trip about a year ago, before Suzi was born. Keith's parents have been wanting to take the whole family and we all know there may not be another opportunity, so we decided to take an infant, a 2 year old and a brand new 5!  

Yes, we got looks. Some were in sympathy, some were "are you crazy??" But, you know you have to ignore lots of things when you are vacationing with thousands of other people. 

So, back to the planning. We did Disney in it's entirety. The resort hotel, dining plan, character meals, advanced fast passes, the whole nine yards. 

One month before our trip Keith decided it would be in the best interest of our family and his career, to look for another job. 

Louisville has very few software companies where Keith's skills can be utilized, so we were pretty panicky. 

Should we spend the money on a Disney trip?
Should Keith take a week off of job hunting to go on vacation?
How long would our savings hold out?

Yes, all of these things were going through our minds. We decided to pray about it for a week and trust the Lord to provide job/interview opportunities and then talk about it again. 

Within a week Keith had many phone interviews and a few potiential leads. 


So, we decided in faith to continue on with the Disney plans. 

Over the next two weeks he worked hard on finding a job and 3 weeks to the day after his decision to leave his current job, he had 2 offers in hand. 

All the credit goes to the Lord here. 

So, Keith finished his job at the company who brought us to Louisville, we left for Disney the day after, returned, and now he's starting his new job today. Whew!

We are still kind of "holding on" and trusting the Lord and what He's doing at this time, but very thankful for His provision. 

So, back to the magic. 

Disney really does vacationing right and we had perfect weather, we even spent 3 days in the pool!

Yes, there were meltdowns, bad eating habits, and complete exhaustion on everyone's part. But we never wished we weren't there. We loved every minute of the crazy. 

We did learn about all that Disney provides for special needs families, which we didn't take advantage of this trip, but I was happy to know about them. 

Hannah did really well and by the last day learned that she's supposed to smile when a character comes over to take a picture. 


She loves ducks. After this she was quacking all morning. 

I think Suzi even enjoyed it, well enjoyed being with grandparents and cousins was probably her favorite. She really went with the flow. 

Such a sweetie. 

Eli rode all the rides he was tall enough for and was really sad when he was a hair too short for space mountain. His favorites were test track and splash mountain. 

And he even turned 5 while we were there!

In China @ Epcot

We were so blessed by this trip. So thankful to Keith's parents for allowing us to go and providing many helpful hands while we were there. 

I'll leave you with a few more pics. 

Breakfast at Chef Mickey's

Suzi was not feeling it here. 

Playing with Hannah in front of Cinderella's castle
Eli appeasing me with a pic. 

Our two little Minnies. 😊

Have a "magical" day!