2 weeks.
I know for most people the autumn season flies by and for the most part it has with us too, but waiting for this surgery has seemed long. We are anxiously awaiting the day.

Starting Monday we are initiating a kid quarantine. Eli will be home from school, no playgroup, no nursery, etc.
Don't worry we'll still get out of the house, but we are trying to do all we can to avoid infection especially as flu season begins and it just started getting cold here, uhum yesterday.

I think I'm 95% ready for the surgery. I know this will help her hear and it has proven over and over amazing results, but seeing my girl in pain is worrisome. We know she will be in good hands with the doctors and nurses at Cincinnati Children's but it's still hard.

The next two weeks will be fun for all of us. Actually, Hannah and Eli have started to really play well with each other. Hannah misses Eli when he's at school and Eli constantly asks me when Hannah's going to get up from her afternoon nap so he can play with her. It's sweet.

Today we had the pleasure of dedicating Hannah and Suzi at church.

We are thankful for the church the Lord has placed us in and the way they care for us and our children. Since Hannah is Hannah almost every kids ministry worker knows her. I often here "you're Hannah's mom, right?" I don't think I've ever heard that about my other two. I hope that's a good thing. 😊

But more than just their care we know people pray for her and us. Someone I barely know even came up to me this morning and asked when Hannah's surgery is, that's amazing to me--that people think to pray for her and she, in her unique way, is having an impact on others.

So, 2 weeks.
Thank you for your continued prayers for health and the upcoming surgery.
As we wait we can only imagine the great things the Lord has in store.
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