When I think of my favorite breaks I think of fun vacations, warm weather so that fun can be enjoyed outside, time with friends and family.
Of course now my breaks look different than they did before kids and I don't always get to spend those breaks with Keith at home, but it is still nice to take some time out.

Time out from the normal routine. No schedule. Nowhere I have to be.
This past week we have had a break and it's been nice. I've been home since Christmas Day and haven't left the house since Monday--doesn't that sound like a Mama's break?
Since being on break one child has a runny nose, one has a cough (that seems to be getting worse) and one is threatening to get sick. 'Tis the season!

Five years ago this would have frustrated me. I mean, come on' kiddos don't you know this is a break and you getting sick does not make it restful for me??
But now I realize kids get sick, a break is an excellent time to get sick (if you have to) because there's nowhere we have to be, and I am still realizing that I'm a mom of 3 kids--sleep will come when it comes.

So this break has been nice because of the one-on-one time I've gotten with each kiddo. Whether that's watching a new movie with my oldest, cuddling with the girls because they don't feel well, making cookies, playing with new toys, etc, etc.
I'm thankful!

I know in just a few short days the schedule will ramp up again.
2017 will bring many more things into our lives.
*more doctors and therapy appointments
*another cast {sigh}
*possible surgery
*talking {YAY!}
and the list goes on and on, with things I don't even know about yet!
So today I am sitting in my messy house, with loads of laundry needing to be washed and kids who probably need baths and think back to the reason for this break.
The birth of our King who chose to leave Heaven and join this mess.
Yes, I'm thankful for a break but even more thankful He entered into our world and wants to be part of our lives. 2017 will have many surprises, good and bad. Thank God that he walks through them with us!
Happy New Year Everyone!
"The Lord bless you, and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine on you, And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance on you, And give you peace..."
John 6:26-28
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