Merry Christmas from the Richards Family!
Christmas 2016
The Christmas season is upon us! New this year: A Richards family update letter! We know many of you keep up with us and pray for our family so we want to give you a few more details about our life! We are grateful for all the Lord has given us and for this time of year to reflect on Jesus’ coming.
“For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do.
By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin,
he condemned sin in the flesh.”
Romans 8:3
Keith and Ellie have now been out-numbered and are still figuring out zone defense with 3 kiddos in the house. Most of our days and nights are spent parenting, loving and helping these three. Yes, our hands are full, but full with good things. In May we officially joined a new church and have gotten involved in a community group near our house. This group has blessed us immensely since we started attending. It is fun to see them love our kids and serve us when we need it.
Keith has now been at his company here in Louisville for 3+ years. He continues to work hard and is a well thought of, great, manager of product. He works long days to provide for all of us, we are so grateful for him!
Ellie spends a lot of time with the kiddos, which is how it should be. Hannah still has many therapy and doctor appointments and now Suzi gets to tag along too! She is blessed with other mom friends who have kids of similar ages to get together with occasionally and have some grownup time as well as a women’s bible study.
Eli is on his last year of 3-day preschool and by the end of next year he will be a Kindergartener! It’s bittersweet to watch our sweet boy grow up and decide he no longer wants to be called “sweet boy”. He participated in gymnastics until mid-summer, which he loved, but now we are searching for another activity to get some energy out.
Hannah continues to amaze us with all she does good and bad. She turned 2 this year, and it shows! She also began walking which actually happened before Suzi was born—a sweet gift from the Lord. She is now a busy toddler who messes with everything and one you can’t take your eyes off of for a second. Her sweet disposition makes up for it most of the time! Hannah also had surgery to receive her first Cochlear Implant in November. She is adapting to it very well, we are hopeful to see more and more progress with speech therapy in the New Year! Please continue to pray for her left hand. It is getting stronger through restraint therapy but still has a long way to go.
And Suzi. She’s really a great baby. Except for the lack of sleep she joined our family seamlessly and we all fall more in love with her every day. She is a baby who spends lots of time in the car, smiles a lot, sleeps well and loves to be talked to. Eli usually gets put on “talk to Suzi duty” and he is great at it. She will be 6 months 2 days after Christmas, so yes in the busyness of life with little kids, time flies!
We know that in the ups and downs of life “we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses” but one who chose to come to earth and take away our sins! Let us remember that gift during this Christmas season.
From our family to yours, Merry Christmas!
Keith, Ellie, Eli, Hannah and Suzi Richards
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